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Newborn Information

Oh, baby! I look forward to newborn sessions so much! The sweetness of a precious babe -- and all the love that fills up a room when they're present -- is so contagious that I can't help but leave a newborn session positively delirious!

I recommend scheduling newborn sessions within 1-2 months before your due date. We will pencil in a date within 10 days of your due date. Because newborns lose that "newborn look" so quickly, the sooner we get the pictures taken, the better.

I take a very natural approach to all my newborn photos. I tend to work with a minimal amount of props love to incorporate both mom and dad into some of the pictures, as well. If you have other children who are game for pictures, we'll certainly include them in this newborn picture party, too.

I am a Oklahoma Newborn Photographer who is trained to take care of your newborn as well as vaccinated to keep you and your family well. As a Labor and Delivery RN and IBCLC I am comfortable with handling newborns! I also have been trained in newborn safety and posing, and continue to keep up training!

Siblings are more than welcome to join. During this time of COVID and goal to keep everyone safe, immediate family only during newborn sessions.



Steps to booking and preparing for Newborn Session

**Laci will provide you with more information once booked.

1. Request availability and Book with Laci around 30-38 weeks. Please understand I book sessions months in advance, I would love to make sure you have a date scheduled before no dates are available.

2. BOOK YOUR SESSION! Confirm session date with Laci 1 week to 3 weeks after due date. Date may or can be adjusted if needed after delivery Accordingly.

Newborn session must be paid in full when scheduled/booked. Date will not be held unless paid withing 24hours. Contract with session details will be emailed and must be signed before session.

Depending on session purchase, images may or many not be included.

3. Have a beautiful birth story then contact Laci once you deliver to update Laci on your health status and to confirm you date and time. Somrtimes deliverydoesn’t go as planned and there is an extended hospital stay or even an early delivery. Goal is to have session within a specific time frame after birth. During the first few weeks after birth, babies sleep more and this is the perfect time for sessions! They are easier to pose and are happier during this time. After this time babies become more alert and start to explore their new world. They learn that they can stretch and make it more difficult to swaddle and curl up.

Prepping for your session!

-Breastfed Babies- Please try to avoid consuming things in your diet that may upset your precious babies tummy or introduce something new within 12 hours prior to your session. This sometimes causes an unhappy baby (stomach discomfort to gas). Caffeine can make the baby more alert and jumpy, especially if never exposed.Formula Babies- Please bring formula and bottles. If you need anything specific to help prepare formula such as sterile water, please bring extra.

-10 to 12 hours feed your growing bundle of joy on demand. Make sure they are getting a full tummy. This helps prevent fussiness from hunger but helps for a peaceful deep sleep.

-What to bring for the baby- Make sure baby is dressed in a sleeper or something that is easy to take off without upsetting the baby. No Onesies Please. We can start immediately while baby is sleeping. Upsetting baby by undressing them will decrease our session time. Bring a pacifier to help soothe your baby during session. Have plenty of diapers and formula for changings and feeding breaks. I will not provide any of these personal items. Bring a blanket to keep baby warm between sets and during feedings and etc. We want baby to stay warm and happy!

-What to bring for yourself- snacks, water, charger, ipad etc! Enjoy some relaxing time. If siblings will be attending, make sure there is another adult present to watch siblings. Bring toys or something to entertain them please. Remember newborn sessions last 2 to 3 hours. Siblings are not allowed to be free in home studio.

-**2 to 3 hours prior to session feed your baby and make sure they have a full tummy. Make sure they are in loose clothing, fresh diaper before placed in car seat.

-When you arrive. Please cover up baby to prevent being startled by cold, wind and other outside elements. We will begin as soon as possible. If baby is awake we will undress baby and feed baby.


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